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My passion for creative therapies and the potential they offer for post-traumatic healing and growth is evident in my dynamic, engaging and hands-on workshops. I have developed and facilitated a wide variety of workshops both nationally and internationally.

Contact me to schedule or learn more about my experiential workshops for mental health professionals. 


March, 2023  Discovering the Artist Within: The Liberating Power of Creative Improvisation. Psychotherapy Networker Conference, Washington, DC

March, 2022. Common Threads Project: Women’s Sewing Circles for Recovery and Healing from Trauma. ISSTD panel presentation, Seattle


February, 2022. Working with the Body in Therapy: An Introduction to Sensorimotor Psychotherapy. The Women’s Center, Vienna VA


April, 2021 When Art Therapy Meets EMDR: An Integrative Workshop, International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD) Virtual Conference presentation with Elizabeth Davis


April, 2021 Managing Traumatic Stress: Creative Tools for Virtual and In-Person Treatment, Ferentz Institute, Baltimore MD (virtual all day)

The Embodied Therapist: Attuning Through Art and Movement (2019)

Expressive Therapies Summit, NY, NY

Bringing the Body to Therapy (2019)

Ferentz Institute, All-day trauma training, Baltimore, MD

Creative Approaches to Trauma Treatment: Narrative Textiles (2019)

GW Art Therapy Program, All-day workshop, Alexandria VA 


The HeART of Art Therapy (2018)

Ferentz Institute, All-day trauma training, Baltimore, MD 

​Embodying the Unspoken Self: Attachment, Trauma, Neurobiology and the Body (2017)


Art Therapy and Trauma (2017) 

3-day course, Naropa University, Boulder, CO

Trauma Training for professionals and East African Therapeutic Artists (2017)

Global Alliance for Africa Therapeutic Arts Program (11-day trainings) Kenya, East Africa

An Introduction to Art Therapy and Implications for Trauma-Sensitive Clinical Practice (2015)

Half-day lecture sponsored by the Department of Social Work, Weskoppies Hospital and University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa

An Art Therapist’s Approach to Healing Trauma (2015)

Introductory Lecture at Lefika La Phodiso Centre (NGO)  and open to the community. Johannesburg, South Africa

When Words Are Not Enough: Art Therapy for the Treatment of Trauma (2015) 

Invited All Day Symposium presenter, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL

Tools of the Trade: An Art Therapists Integrative Approach to Healing Trauma (2015)

 Invited all day symposium leader.  Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, IL

​An Experiential Approach: Integrating Body Oriented Psychotherapy in Trauma Treatment (2014) 

presented at the clinical staff at St . Lukes Institute, Silver Spring, MD


Creative Approaches for Trauma Treatment (2013)  

Invited to present 2 day workshop for therapists at Brookswood Counselling Center, Vancouver, British Columbia

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© Tally Tripp 2023

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