IN MEMORIAM 4/9/1955 - 12/6/2023

As a leading expert in the field of Art Therapy and Trauma, my research and writing has been highlighted in multiple publications including professional journals, magazine articles, book chapters, and digital media. Select publications are listed below.
The New York Times (2018): “How to Get the Most Out of Art (Even When You’re Not Sure You Get It)"
Huffington Post (2015): “Art Therapy is more than Making Nice Pictures”
Campus Technology (2014) “George Washington University Uses HD Streaming Video in Art Therapy Program”
The GW Hatchet (2014): “Where Words Fail: GW's Art Therapy Program Unlocks Expression”
Center for Digital Education (2013) “Video Recordings Help Art Therapy Students Hone their Skills”
EdTech (2013) “How George Washington University Uses Video Recording to Train Art Therapists”
Tripp, T. (2022)
Art Therapy and EMDR: Integrating Cognitive, Somatic, and Emotional Processing for Treating Trauma
In E. Davis, J. Fitzgerald, S. Jacobs & J. Marchand (Eds). EMDR and Creative Arts Therapies. Routledge Press.
Tripp, T. (2021)
Healing beyond words: How to bring art into therapy. Psychotherapy Networker Magazine, Nov/Dec. 2021.
Tripp, T. (2021)
Expanding horizons: Creative arts therapies in international context
In S. Bailey (Ed.). Creative arts therapies careers: Succeeding as a creative professional. Routledge: Taylor and Francis Press.
Tripp, T. (2019)
More than an image: Revisiting the Ulman Personality Assessment Protocol
Special Issue History of Art Therapy. Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association,36(3), 133-140. DOI: 10.1080/07421656.2019.1649546
Tripp, T., Potash, J. S. & Brancheau, D. (2019)
Safe Place collage protocol: Art making for managing traumatic stress. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 20(5), 511-525. DOI: 10.1080/15299732.2019.1597813
Tripp, T. (2019)
But who really is on first? Art therapy as collaborative treatment for trauma disorders.
In A. DiMaria (Ed.), Exploring Ethical Dilemmas in Art Therapy: 50 Clinicians from 20 Countries Share Their Stories (pp. 259-265 and 438-439). NY: Routledge Press.
Tripp, T. (2019)
Stillbirth: Mourning unspeakable loss with art therapy and EMDR.
In MJM Wood, R Jacobson & H. Cridford (Eds.), The International Handbook of Art Therapy in Palliative and Bereavement Care (pp. 81-94). NY: Routledge Press.
Tripp, T. (2017)
A woman’s trauma group embodies responses to the U.S. election. Voices: The Art and Science of Psychotherapy.
Journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists (53) 1, (65-70).
Tripp, T. (2016)
A body-based art protocol for reprocessing trauma.
In J. King (Ed.), Art Therapy, Trauma and Neuroscience: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives (pp.173-194), NY:Routledge Press.
Gantt, L. & Tripp, T. (2016)
The image comes first: Treating pre-verbal trauma with art therapy.
In J. King (Ed.), Art Therapy, Trauma and Neuroscience: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives, (pp.67-99), NY: Routledge Press.
Williams, K.J. & Tripp, T. (2016)
Group art therapy.
In J.Rubin (Ed.), Approaches to Art Therapy: Theory and Technique. (pp.417-432), NY: Routledge Press.
Tripp, T. (2007)
A short term therapy approach to processing trauma: Art therapy and bilateral stimulation.
Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 24 (4), 176-183.
Tripp, T. (2020)
Creative Arts Therapy SIG Connects Creatively through a Pandemic.
ISSTD Newsletter
Tripp, T. (2020)
Using the Creative Arts Therapies Online
ISSTD Newsletter
Tripp, T. (2018)
"Bringing Trauma Sensitive Art Therapy to Croatia”
ISSTD Newsletter
Tripp, T. (2014)
“Remembering Lou Tinnin”
Art Therapy Newsletter: Drawn from the Circle (Issue 36)
Tripp, T. (2012)
Book Foreword: Soh Ki Do: Seven Pathways of Transpersonal Creativity: Imagining Your Life by Sirrku Hiltunen
Tripp, T. (2010)
“Understanding Trauma and Dissociation”
Greater Washington Society for Clinical Social Work Newsletter
Tripp, T. & Young, E (2019)
"Myths, Materials, and Magic: What Clinicians Need to Know About Using Art Materials In Trauma Treatment."
International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD)